In our digital world, the keys to our kingdoms—our personal information—are guarded not by dragons or moats but by passwords. Yet, not all passwords are created equal. Some are as sturdy as castle walls, while others might as well be open gates.
Activity 1: "Password Power-Up"
Objective: Teach the importance of creating strong passwords through a fun and interactive activity.
Materials Needed:
Password Power-Up Workbook: A printable workbook with activities and templates for creating strong passwords.
Character Cards: Cards featuring characters from popular children's stories or superheroes, each with a unique characteristic or power.
Stickers and Badges: Rewards for completing the workbook activities.
Activity Description:
Introduction: Start with a brief discussion on why we need passwords (to protect our treasure trove of personal information from the "pirates" and "villains" of the internet).
Story Time: Use the character cards to tell a story where characters must create a powerful "spell" (password) to protect their treasures. Explain that, like a spell, a password must be hard to guess and unique.
Create Your Password: Children use the workbook to craft their passwords. They select a character card and use the character’s name, a number, and a special symbol to create a new password. For example, if they choose a wizard character named "Merlin," their password might be "Merlin#1!"
Password Checklist: The workbook includes a checklist (e.g., at least 8 characters long, contains numbers and symbols) to ensure their password is strong. Children tick off each criterion they meet.
Reward: Award stickers and badges for completing their "Password Power-Up" and creating a strong password.
In the vast expanse of the internet, not all destinations are friendly ports. Some are safe harbours, while others hide pirates waiting to plunder. Our young adventurers must learn how to spot the differences to navigate these digital seas safely.
Activity 2: "Web Detective"
Objective: Educate children on recognising safe websites and the importance of internet safety.
Materials Needed:
Web Detective Guide: A printable guide that explains how to identify safe websites.
Scenario Cards: Cards describing various websites, some safe and others not, without revealing which is which.
Detective Badges: Rewards for successful completion of the activity.
Activity Description:
Detective Training: Begin with a discussion on what makes a website safe (https, reliable content, privacy policies) versus unsafe (pop-ups, requests for personal information).
Mission Brief: Explain that they are now detectives on a mission to distinguish safe websites from unsafe ones. They will use their "Web Detective Guide" to help them.
Scenario Investigation: Children draw scenario cards and use the guide to determine if the website described is safe or unsafe. For example, a card might read, "You find a site offering free games, but it asks for your name and address before you can play."
Making the Call: After discussing each scenario, reveal whether the website was safe or unsafe and why. This reinforces learning points about website safety.
Detective Badge Award: Once they've successfully completed their investigations, award them detective badges to celebrate their new role as internet safety experts.
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